General Questions

Yes! We are very happy to offer a 10% discount to NHS workers. If you are an NHS worker please send an e mail to rosalindostudio@gmail.com and once you've verified that you work for the NHS you'll be sent a discount code.

Customers will sometimes find a discount gift code when their order arrives as a nice surprise and also we ship for free in mainland UK for all orders over £65.

We make scrunchies in XL, regular, petite and children's sizes.  Most fabrics are suitable for every size but not all fabrics.  Please click on the scrunchie you like to see the size options.  XL are 5.5 - 6 inches wide, regular are 4.5 - 5 inches wide and petite are 3 inches wide, while for children we make them 2.5 inches wide. The sizes given in the photograph in the link below are approximate only. Please note that wide elastic makes the scrunchie stand up nice and tall and so it's a little smaller in diameter overall as a result.

Size of Scrunchies

We offer wide elastic (2 cm) and also thin elastic (1 cm). If you would like even thinner elastic (5 mm) please add a note when you checkout. If you look at the photo here you'll see the different effect the width of the elastic makes. Wider means the scrunchie stands up a bit more tall.

Elastic Size

You may request a longer length of elastic if you would like, please add a note at checkout.

Wide elastic gives a very firm hold on the hair and suits normal or thick hair - it stands nice and tall and will have the effect of making the scrunchie a little smaller in diameter overall.   You might like to choose the thin elastic for a more tumbled-down looser look or it might suit your hair if your hair is slightly thinner or if you have exceptionally thick hair. 

We work with most fabrics except for chiffon and some exceptionally light-weight fabrics. If you have a particular fabric in mind, please e mail us and we can let you know if it's suitable - we hope so! rosalindostudio@gmail.com

Each bespoke order is quoted for on an individual basis, but to give a rough idea, the two examples of bespoke work shown, (wheat velvet with ivory lace and black velvet with organdie trim), were made using high quality silk velvet and beautiful lace and organdie, they cost £28.50 each.


We are currently only shipping to the UK & the USA. We hope to widen where we ship to in due course, but in the meantime if you would especially like to receive an item outside of the UK & the USA, please drop us an e mail and we'll do our best to help.

For all orders over £65 shipping is free in the UK. No code is needed.

My order

There is a 1 - 2 week turnaround time on orders although we will aim to have it made and shipped within 5 business days.


No, unfortunately we don't offer returns, nor exchanges, but if you have any issues or concerns with your order please contact us. In particular, if you feel you have ordered the wrong size of elastic we do offer replacement of the elastic but the customer is responsible for the cost for shipping.

No refunds will be given for change of mind once the scrunchie has been shipped. If you believe you may have received a faulty item or the item has broken please contact us and we will try our best to find a resolution to the situation.

Yes! If you feel you have ordered the wrong size of elastic we do offer replacement of the elastic but the customer is responsible for the cost for shipping.

If you believe you may have received a faulty item or the item has broken please contact us and we will try our best to find a resolution to the situation.